by Publisher | Jun 21, 2024 | Idea Management, Process Improvement, Writing Tips
For most of my twenties, I jumped from one dream to the next. But through it all, I secretly wanted to be a writer. I watched friends bridge the gap between amateur and professional, and I wished I could be them. Because I was envious of my friends’ writing success, I...
by Publisher | Jun 17, 2024 | Book Publishing, Idea Management, Writing Tips
Some writers think that success occurs in a magical moment when the stars and planets align for a particular person. But waiting for Fate to tap your shoulder as the lucky one places your chance to succeed in the hands of strangers. And, yes, it is just luck at that...
by TRWCBlogger | Jun 7, 2024 | Idea Management
How do you take your writing ideas, write a book and become a published author? This question typically is met with practical advice, tactical tasks, and skill-based tips. There are other ways to help yourself become an author that have little to do with book...
by Publisher | Mar 11, 2024 | Idea Management
Get Published as We Take You from Thoughts to Prints Every day uncountable ideas flash through our minds. Some of them are terrific ones loaded with information that would proffer solutions to some of the problems we see prevalent in our specific industry or areas of...
by Publisher | Nov 13, 2023 | Book Marketing, Idea Management, Process Improvement
A lot of authors want to write a book, sell it and make millions of money, but in reality, it doesn’t always work that way. The royalty you get from books can be so small that it might even be hard to break even on the money you spent in publishing your book. However,...
by Publisher | Jun 16, 2023 | Idea Management
Writers sometimes experience a shortage of writing ideas, chaotic floods of ideas or no ideas at all that stalls writing projects. If you are experiencing this writers’ peeve, try these proven brainstorming strategies to generate or organize new topic ideas,...