eCommerce is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money as an author. This is because the customer experience can be a lot more fun and easier when readers buy a book from an eCommerce page. So, if you have your book on multiple eCommerce sites as well as your own, then here are ways to make the most of your page and ensure you make a lot more money:

1. Make It Visible. Ensure that your eCommerce link is in the faces of everyone. Anytime you mention your eBook either in your newsletter, on your website, blog, or social media ensure that the link to your eCommerce sales page is mentioned.

2. Be Honest. People who follow you on social media or who are your fans probably know you, so you shouldn’t be afraid of being honest with them. Tell them that they will be supporting you if they purchase your book on your eCommerce page and the cost price is the same as any other eCommerce outlet. When saying this, ensure that your cost prices are actually the same as other eCommerce pages and if it is lower, mention it too!

3. Give Varying Reading Options. If possible, ensure that your published book is in various digital formats such as ePub, .mobi, and even PDF for easy download and readability.

4. Ensure Your Book Cover Is Appealing: On your eCommerce page ensure that your book cover looks appealing to attract people to buy the book. Also, make sure that the title on the page is visible for people to read so that they don’t have to squint their eyes.

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5. Give Accurate Information. Ensure that information about your book is accurate. When you do this, it will be easier for people to search for your book and buy it. So information like the ISBN, genre, number of books available, and publication date should be available and accurate.

6. Encourage Social media Shares. When people buy your book through your eCommerce site, encourage them to share it with their friends and followers on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, amongst others.

When you are dealing with sales through eCommerce, don’t just assume that the information provided is accurate and the process is easy, ensure you test it yourself by buying your book from your page. That way you can detect any error and fix it before it is too late.

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